Saturday, 18 May 2013

Animals that are at stake!

Have You seen the mess littering has caused it is making animals practically going extinct because everyone who litters practically kills an animal like a:

  • Dolphin
  • Tortoise
  • Horse
  • Wild Dogs
Anytime you go out and litter it kills an animal just think of your favourite animal you are killing them because they could try and swallow it or get it caught around it's neck.

Just think, Anytime you go out and litter; all the animals are at risk because you have either:

  • Thrown the rubbish in the sea what can make the animals either swallow the rubbish
  • If you throw the rubbish on the floor a nearly extincted animal can go past and pick it up and could die from it because it might have wanted to either eat it or use it as a nest or shelter.
  • Or you could throw the rubbish and make it fly somewhere you didn't want it to.
It doesn't matter if you did it on purpose, you still could have made a difference and threw it in a bin when you could see one, not just throw it on the floor.

I mean like have you seen what it has been doing to poor little animals because it is horrible, all different animals are getting caught in all types of litter like:

  • Beer Holders
  • Plastic things
  • Rubber things
  • Metal things
I mean like it is horrible because if you have seen any type of animal Cruelty, then like and share this because I would hate it if you were ignoring this because it is just ignorant for people to just stand there and watch everything. I would help the poor animal instead of stand there and watch the animal die.

Just think about it if no one littered and if everyone put there rubbish straight in the bin, just think of all the animals that still would be alive! It would be amazing because then everything would be so amazing. Like if you went through a forest just imagine how many animals would be running through there, that would be because no one would be littering and so no animals would be dieing because they wouldn't have caught there neck in some litter or choke on some litter.

Thank you for reading this it should help a lot.